Altar servers may be male or female, and young or old in age. They have a special ministry in the Church. Far more than mere “helpers” of the celebrant at Mass, they are servants of Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest. An altar server has a privileged place in liturgical celebrations and they experience from close at hand, that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgy. Altar servers are called to be serving friends of Jesus, striving to deepen and foster their friendship with Him.
ALTAR SERVERS, “light of the world”, are encouraged to not only hold their candlestick inside the church, but take the light of the Gospel to all who live in darkness and are going through a difficult time in their lives.
Training sessions for new Altar Servers are held multiple times a year on Sundays after the 11:30 am Mass. Please watch the bulletin and social media or check the parish calendar for the next scheduled training!